Author: jcADMIN

Interoperability, Patient Engagement, Analytics..Why all the buzz?

It was too predictable not to happen – proper exchange of data between disparate systems (interoperability),  getting patients more involved in their own care (patient engagement) and transferring data into information (analytics) from the time healthcare first embraced using electronic

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2015: What might we expect from the healthcare industry

Last year was the first for many aspects of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) including health insurance exchanges and government regulated mandates for participation. In previous years, we saw health data become a prominent issues with the introduction of Meaningful

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Physicians Quality Reporting System: Definition and how it works

In 2007 the Physician Quality Reporting Initiative was formed.  This program was designed to voluntarily allow eligible physicians and practitioners to report on quality measure data and receive incentives for doing so.  This program provided the groundwork for what is

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About Accountable Care Organizations

Healthcare as we know it is undergoing immense changes. For someone in the healthcare industry, this comes as no surprise. Many of these changes will specifically affect the insurance industry and how physicians receive reimbursement for their care of patients. 

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Emergency Care under “Obamacare”

“Packed waiting rooms and we will have to see 50 patients or more in a shift,” answered one emergency room physician.  This was in response to my question of how the Affordable Care Act will affect the volume of patients

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Views on Physician Pay

Really, how many porsches do you need?” has been a popular motto among proponents of Obamacare in response to objections by physicians at the possible pay cut brought on by the bill.  This is a fair statement as most anyone

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Health Insurance Exchanges

The Affordable Healthcare Act may have not only changed the United State’s  healthcare system forever, it also may have changed the insurance industry  forever.  The implementation of so called health insurance exchanges, or HIX for short, have helped change the

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Update on Health Information Exchanges

One recent hot topic in the medical world is on how health information is exchanged between hospitals and different healthcare providers. The new concept has been labeled “Health Information Exchange”. Based on increasing productivity and lowering medical costs, the concept

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Expansion of Medicaid Under “ObamaCare”

We have all heard the debates over the “Affordable Healthcare Act”, or as it is commonly referred to in the media, “Obamacare”. Although the bill will be implemented for the most part in several years time, there is still one

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EMR Implementation: What does this mean for my practice?

Electronic medical records (EMRs) are going to be used in your practice. EMRs are some the biggest transforming factors inhealth IT. The decision was made to use them but do you know how that is going to affect you? Are

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